Friday, August 28, 2009

It just takes that moment

Ok. Warning. I am nooooooot sober. Gonna be too hungover to search job listing sites tomorrow but it's soooooooo worth it.

Lets just say cuz I don't want to jinx it- I am now making a mix tape and seraching my brain and assorted search engines to find songs with "magic moment" themes. So far I can only think of that song from the Dirty Dancing Sounding "I've had the time of my life" and Kelly Clarkson's megahit " A moment like this."

I just had an aaaaaamazing time andd I shouldn't be all tipsy and jixsing it and that is why I think the songs I seek are all about a moment and not a more concrete amount of time. I have so much baggage-- but I feel really happy and hopeful for the first time since the downward spiral etc. I'm still worried about Tarra Slovan and feel awful about her accident and her mangled forefinger but she'll be ok eventually and I left a voice message and a text. I also contacted Fern McFern last night and we gabbed a bit via a skidoo add on and she seemed sort of IMMERSED in this legal horror that some yucky lesbian ( I find most lesbians yucky to be honest but this individual who goes by the name "Tig" Notaro is super yucky)got her into. Soo it took me a good 20 minutes or so but I finally got her to go to the Abbey with me and my friends Suzzanne and Rick, who I beleive i have mentioned. She was ok until she started laughing at her own jokes but I'm new in town -- and can't afford to be too picky with my circle like I was when I lived in the Hillcrest section of San Diego. That was 9 years ago come September and I have never have been able to find a circle like that. This was Pre Cunanan and what that man did to that community.

All this goodwill towards women who literally can't offer me anything but this bloggings space and thier keyword know how paid off cause I am typing this from a very hot guy's Iphone.


It is taking me much longer than I'm used to with my trusty old desktop but whatever. I finally think I met someone who sees the real me and I plan to meet his needs as well as mine. UUuuuuuum, some of those needs need re-meeting because just talking about him makes me erect. I don't want an adult rating on this blog but I think if that happens I'll gay some gay group to help me out as erect is not a dirty word whether it happens because of a guy or a woman.

Off my soapbox, I tried to get on Datalounge to share but it was Primetime and I'm starting to suspect that their is something funky going on with that website because I can't think of any Time Zone save for the Aleutian islands where it would be Primetime.

My guy(is it tooooo early?) is sound asleep and as far as I can tell the sound of this Iphone keyboard is pretty quiet. I'm a little bummed that he's so sound asleep cuz I feel like we were having a rare and magic moment and I'm a little stressed that unlike me he isn't alert and anxious for to savor every moment. Maybe, love doesn't affect him the same or maybe he's dreaming of me or maybe he's totally not and is blackoutdrunk and will not remember absolutely anything about Us. He seemed ok to me if not a little wobbly as we made love in the shower.

No regrets. He's super hot and cut(which I require due to my sinuses) and he seems like he's not violent or anything. I better join him in sleepland cuz I'm probly making a fool of my self and Fern McFern has this Sister who Fern told me read Moi religiously. She's much cooler than Fern and she is super talented and I want her to know that I appreciate her support.
I hope Gavin(Is that name yummy or not and he isn't even British!) doesn't mind if I spoon him while he sleeps.

More later.

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