Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bossa Nova review forthcoming,sorry

I don't know what I did wrong but I just have no way of knowing if I get a comment and so I feel all ignored and then see some nice comment that is one month old and it's just NOT GOOD.

Still living in WEHO and trying to get work as a Chiropracters assistant or an assistant to a celebrity. I've been boning up on the newest Linux programs and I'm hoping to add adminstrative assistant to my career possibilitiies. I'm quite good at Powerpoint and have religiously kept my knowledge of Microsoft word updated. It seems unfair that I have to be unemployed like this when I clearly have skills.

I used to have a lifestyle and now I just kind of feel like I have no life or style and am just surviving.

That is sooooo negative and I apologize. I've been hanging around with this individual named Fern McFern and she gets me down. She goes on and on about the judicial system in the midst of like totally unrelated things and It's weird. But, she let me join this blog collective so I try to be grateful rather than hateful. Ha.

Still out of shape and avoiding Santa Monica Boulevard until I'm toned all over.
As my readers know I had an accident(got bumped by a volvo on a crosswalk) ankle issues, and suspected carpal tunnel syndrome(too poor to get properly diagnosed. ARGH). I've been kind of radicalized about Los Angeles Crosswalks. I am grateful that a Volvo bumped me rather than a Hummer and that I only broke one bone and was black and blue all over. But, I just can imagine there is tons and tons of crosswalk fatalities that we don't hear about.

These Los Angeles Crosswalks are just sooooo WRONG. Drivers naturally just don't look down and often keep going despite the anxious pedestrian. When I'm a pedestrian in these instances I have to assert my rights each time, it feels. It's like... I am crossing, don't hit me, I am entitled to cross and I feel cars coming out me but I know they can't hit me and get away with it but still I'll be crushed or dead and I don't have a will yet and who will get the money from the lawsuit. If I'm just really injured than without insurance I am double screwed and my legal rights to cross that crosswalk won't mean shit.

Almost each and ever time I reach the end of the crosswalk I feel stressed. something must be done. Pedestrians need to speak up!

I know. I know I need some cheese with my whine. Fern McFern has gotten me all activist like with her rantings. Still, these crosswalks are EVIL.

Gotta go and feed my terrific dog(his name is Sherman ,and I just bought him at the pound. More on him later, for sure.

I planned to review the Bossa Nova near the Abbey but my wrist is throbbing and I
have no choice but to leave.

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