Saturday, May 23, 2009

East west review and other assorted matters

Hi readers,

Am I right or am I right? That yogurt stop graphic just doesn't seem to make sense when the place is meant to attract gay men and the occassional hag. It's downright porny and suggestive of things that gay men run from. Moving on.

I'll now reviw East West on Santa Monica Blvd.

Antiseptic. That's about it for now. Antiseptic. Fun seems too hard won and fun there might be 8 beers and that is like a hundred dollars with tip. Then, you can't remember the fun and you are destined to try and repeat it and most likely you will fail. I also always marvel at the large amount of gay men that are there and wonder why when they have hundreds of rooms on that strip in which they can buy 500% profit margin beers and cocktails that they are there. I mean I'm all for mixed places and in London that's the norm but I think it odd how they make there presence felt there.
I suppose one could find a power lesbian but aside of Jody Foster power lesbians are not too enticing. Even Jodie is not that enticing since she made Nell and Little Man tate. Actually, thinking about those movies I don't think I could overlook them as I really really hated them on many levels. I mean little man tate was shameful and Nell even more so and so primal she was as Nell, all spazzed out like. And, that's that's the last movie I think I 've seen her in. I loved her in Taxi Driver, The accused, Silence of the lambs, FOXES. I capitalized Foxes because man she was great in that . But, I realize I must stop talking about Jodie Foster because I will soon be falsely accused of stalking her as she is the most stalked woman alive and false accusations of stalking are a modern issue. There is even something called false victim-- where some sad nutbag is willing to falsely accuse a stranger in order to give the illussion that she is being stalked. This delusion makes her feel special and she is in essence "stalking" her nonstalker. Tig Notaro is a "false victim" and she has targeted a special someone and she is being abbetted by many evil people. I don't use the word "evil" lightly. I very rarely have encountered anyone worthy of this adjective. But, when you hear the story you too will conclude that Notaro and her accessories are EVIL.
What a story that is. So many layers. I might tell it here.
I'm sick of waiting for some justice and I plan to expose this ugly ugly case in the midst of my reviews of West Hollywood venues and such. In all probability it will be jarring but it's my stinking blog etc.

Anyhow, I think I've cracked it. I am going to be the premier blogger for and about West Hollywood Lifestyle. I will market it as such and lure gays and lesbians from L.A and everywhere to come take a looksee. Next up: The ABBEY

yogurt stop

Well, hi losangelesgayplacesandstuffreaders:

I think it's about time for a new post. Walked on Santa Monica Blvd and it's very much like it was when I walked on it about 5 months ago. They are still stuffng the bikini briefs of the manequins and the manequins still haven't revolted.

Some changes though on the Boulevard: The milkshake store with the unexpected amount of millions of milkshakes is open and doing a brisk business. Actually, I don't know if it's doing a brisk business and I wonder if milkshakes really will take off in a place of such fat fear. Still lots of men holding hands with men roaming about that boulevard and seeming to have not a care in the world.

But, I've decided that to have a successful blog career I'll need to use a demographic niche approach and try to appeal to a group hungry form information. That group is the gays, that's for sure and so I'm going to really focus on discussing a store a day.

The Yogurt Stop is now a reality. Like Angelina yogurt, there is an image of a woman as a logo. Angelina yogurt has a picture of a pretty and modest women though while this Yogurt stop has a picture of what appears to be a whoreish lady bent down and pumping the yogurt. I haven't yet tried the frozen yogurt and find the idea of pumping my own yogurt to be excessive, but I really would like to understand why on a bouleverd of such massive male gayness these sexualized images of women are being used. My comment section is below this post and if wants to have a dialogue about this I am game.

That said, the place was packed. I'd predicted a few months ago that as a society we'd tire of frozen yogurt in all its forms. I was so very wrong. Yogurt appears to be the poppers of our time and gay men devour it . Or perhaps it is such a hit with the gay men on Santa Monica Boulevard as they feel a lack of culture and get it through the frozen yogurt. That's a hoot. This blog is going to be GANGBUSTERS.

I suppose I should get a pic of the storefront for the yogurt and so I shall.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Milshakes and the homeless

Having been getting out much but I hear that 10,000 milkshakes in West Hollywood makes a decent shake. I haen't tried any of the thousands of shakes with celebrity names but I'm sure one of them is ok-- drinkable etc.

I hear the Abbey is pretty much the same and they still have the chutzpah to not have a happy hour. All gay americans are entitled to a HAPPY HOUR, for fuck's sake. sorry, that was too harsh but I want my happy hours.

Love the go downtown and watch the homeless and the hipster coexisting. Garbages full of half eaten gourmet. I hope the homelss are happy there or anywhere. Geez, you never see the homeless in packs. One to a CVS, one to a Rite Aid. Always, just that one sleeping in a doorway.

Should there be a blog where they can get together or a chat room?

The geeks need to exit the world wide web and figure out how to make the outside world more hospitable. It is not as Hospitable as it should be. Obama, can you hear me!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The most definitive possible guide to los angeles's gay scene ever established

Perhaps the demand for my reviews of places and faces related to Los angeles will be the best way for me to launch my blog career. Perhaps, not. I am compiling reviews of the stores and restaurants that many of the gays go to in West Hollywood. In the meantime, feel free to ask me for a review of any certain place as I very probably was there at least once.

One Caveat: My palate is only semi sophisticated so I might steer you towards unexceptional meals.