Friday, September 11, 2009

Randy, simon, ellen = the end of the world's best singing competition.

I've pretty much weaned myself off blogging after what happened... and how awful the delete button malfunction feels. I'm twittering but not to excess and I'm making a little cash helping a co blogger(Tarra Slovan of my toxic lady) out as she recovers from a pretty intense multitasking incident.

I tend towards hyperverbalization so twitter hasn't been enough and I too often exceed the character count. Sigh. So, I'm here but not in any tooooo much capacity. I hope I am being understood and accepted as I write this but if not than i need to be a big boy and take my medicine.

Soooooooo, am I alone in believing that Ellen Degenerous will singlehandely sink the American Idol Empire! She will just be soooo incongrous in every way-- politically, socially, and even color coordination wise. Paula, please reconsider.

I wonder if Ellen will dance. I know that America enjoys it but as a gay man her boxy hips and large yet unfeminine breasts gross me out. Portia's cute though and I'm sure they're happy.

I know I should support a fellow queer's advancements into the mainstream but I just want Paula back so bad, as I fear one of my last remaining pleasures is in danger.

Feels empowering to put my viewpoint out there and hope that America says no To Ellen Degenerous's prime time venture. It's just wrong and wrong is wrong, know what I mean?

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