Saturday, May 23, 2009

yogurt stop

Well, hi losangelesgayplacesandstuffreaders:

I think it's about time for a new post. Walked on Santa Monica Blvd and it's very much like it was when I walked on it about 5 months ago. They are still stuffng the bikini briefs of the manequins and the manequins still haven't revolted.

Some changes though on the Boulevard: The milkshake store with the unexpected amount of millions of milkshakes is open and doing a brisk business. Actually, I don't know if it's doing a brisk business and I wonder if milkshakes really will take off in a place of such fat fear. Still lots of men holding hands with men roaming about that boulevard and seeming to have not a care in the world.

But, I've decided that to have a successful blog career I'll need to use a demographic niche approach and try to appeal to a group hungry form information. That group is the gays, that's for sure and so I'm going to really focus on discussing a store a day.

The Yogurt Stop is now a reality. Like Angelina yogurt, there is an image of a woman as a logo. Angelina yogurt has a picture of a pretty and modest women though while this Yogurt stop has a picture of what appears to be a whoreish lady bent down and pumping the yogurt. I haven't yet tried the frozen yogurt and find the idea of pumping my own yogurt to be excessive, but I really would like to understand why on a bouleverd of such massive male gayness these sexualized images of women are being used. My comment section is below this post and if wants to have a dialogue about this I am game.

That said, the place was packed. I'd predicted a few months ago that as a society we'd tire of frozen yogurt in all its forms. I was so very wrong. Yogurt appears to be the poppers of our time and gay men devour it . Or perhaps it is such a hit with the gay men on Santa Monica Boulevard as they feel a lack of culture and get it through the frozen yogurt. That's a hoot. This blog is going to be GANGBUSTERS.

I suppose I should get a pic of the storefront for the yogurt and so I shall.

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