Saturday, May 16, 2009

Milshakes and the homeless

Having been getting out much but I hear that 10,000 milkshakes in West Hollywood makes a decent shake. I haen't tried any of the thousands of shakes with celebrity names but I'm sure one of them is ok-- drinkable etc.

I hear the Abbey is pretty much the same and they still have the chutzpah to not have a happy hour. All gay americans are entitled to a HAPPY HOUR, for fuck's sake. sorry, that was too harsh but I want my happy hours.

Love the go downtown and watch the homeless and the hipster coexisting. Garbages full of half eaten gourmet. I hope the homelss are happy there or anywhere. Geez, you never see the homeless in packs. One to a CVS, one to a Rite Aid. Always, just that one sleeping in a doorway.

Should there be a blog where they can get together or a chat room?

The geeks need to exit the world wide web and figure out how to make the outside world more hospitable. It is not as Hospitable as it should be. Obama, can you hear me!

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